The Fresnel diffraction integral is a fractional Fourier transform
Light propagation can be viewed as a process of continual fractional Fourier transformation. As a beam advances, its amplitude distribution evolves through fractional transforms of increasing order.
Let $\mathbf{u} = (u,v)$ represent the coordinates transverse to the $z$-axis, which is the principal direction of propagation. Let $k = 2\pi/\lambda$ be the wavenumber along that axis.
We can show that the complex amplitude of the field is $$U(\mathbf{u},z) = e^{j(k\Delta z-\alpha)}\cos\alpha\exp\!\left(\frac{jk}{2\Delta z}\sin^2\alpha\|\mathbf{u}\|^2\right)\mathcal{F}_{-\alpha}\{\tilde{U}_0\}(\mathbf{x},z),$$ where $\alpha$ is the fractional order of the transform ($0 < \alpha < \pi$).
The $e^{jk\Delta z}$ represents the constant-phase contribution that is often neglected, the $e^{j\alpha}$ term is the Gouy phase shift, and the remaining exponential represents a quadratic approximation to a diverging spherical wavefront with radius $\mathscr{R}_{\alpha} = \Delta z/\sin^2\alpha$.
Hence propagation over a distance $\Delta z$ involves a fractional Fourier transform. When $\alpha = \pi$, the fractional Fourier transform is equivalent to the usual Fourier transform.
The connection to Talbot images is really interesting, and I intend to update this post and the associated notes in the future with further comments.